Inventory Management starts with the knowledge that material is scheduled for delivery to On-Demand Technology Solutions (ODTS) for storage and distribution. The Receipt Advise (RA) process allows our clients to provide advanced information on future deliveries by Vendor, item, lot and date. The RA initiates the planning of events for production scheduling, allowing timely production and eliminating downtime which can occur when materials arrive unexpectedly.
Once materials are received into inventory the Warehouse Management System (WMS) is updated with quantity defined by Lots. Lot management allows us to manage your inventory as defined by business rules, i.e. FIFO (first in – first out), by expiration date, seasons and styles or other preconditions which represent your business needs.
Technology drives the effectiveness of our system. Material is located by barcode and tracked throughout our operation through point of action scanning. This scanning provides updates to the WMS which can be viewed on line by product stakeholders.
We value the importance of accuracy in our WMS and willingly share access to information throughout all steps in the Order Cycle.